Friday, February 6, 2015


(say that ten times fast)

Well hello fellow baconators. It's that time again when the crispy smoked cured meat candy that we call "bacon" is calling out "Eat Me".  That's right, it's time to get my bacon on.  Now, this time around, I'm calling out on my biscuit lovin' self.  I learned how to make rockin' biscuits from a very talented Chef in culinary school. It's more about technique than ingredients; although, you can't have one without the other!  As always, I try to get you to use your judgment whenever I can. I'll give you some tips on how to make a great biscuit but what's most important? BACON (of course)!!! My preference in bacon is the yum that is Burgers' @smokehousemeats bacon.  Love the stuff. The spice blend that I'm addicted to is +Code3spices.  Their rubs are crazy good and I believe in their mission so hey, check them out.  I'm starting with the meat prep because you can work on the biscuits while it's chillaxin'.

Bacon wrapped Pork Tenderloin Medallions
2 ea. pork tenderloins (I'm not giving weight so just go with what you find)
2 lbs. Burgers' Apple Wood Smoked bacon
Butcher's twine
+Code3spices 5-0 Rub

Cut tenderloins into 1" thick medallions starting from the fat end.

Wrap each medallion with bacon. It's not that hard, just stick it on the bacon and roll with it.

Using butcher twine, tie off the wrapped tenderloin. Trust me, if you don't, the bacon will curl when you fire it up. Then it starts to get funky looking and no one wants to eat funk.
Season with +Code3spices  5-0 rub and allow to stand at room temperature for about 1 hour. This allows the seasoning to penetrate the meat, but also brings the cold up to room temperature so that it cooks more evenly.
Now, you undoubtedly have remaining bacon leftover.  This is for the YUM that is the bacon biscuit. Place the bacon on a sheet tray and bake in a 400F oven for approximately 15 - 20 minutes until really crispy.  Place on grease proof paper and reserve bacon fat left on sheet tray.  Mmmmm.....crispy bacon.  Wait, don't eat it! You need it for the biscuits.  Eat it after it's baked up in that fluffy, buttery, bacon goodness.  Um...right, distracted. Back to the blog.
While the meat is getting it's thing on, it's time to make the biscuits. Just to warn you, I am a biscuit fairy.  I dance to some Justin Timberlake with my eyes closed when it comes to making a biscuit.  It really is about the technique so pay attention. Respect the gluten and keep things chillin' and you'll be okay.
Bacon and Green Onion Buttermilk Biscuits

4 c AP flour
1 T + 1 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. salt
12 oz. cold butter, cubed
1# cooked Burgers' Apple wood Smoked Bacon, chopped fine
4 ea. green onions, chopped
3 c buttermilk ( may need more or less depending on the humidity)
1 ea. egg mixed with 1 T water (egg wash)
  • Combine all dry ingredients.
  • Add cubed butter and cut in with a bench scraper, fork, knife, or fingertips. Do what you need to do to get to pea size.
  • Add cooked bacon and green onions and toss in flour/butter mixture.
  • Add buttermilk and mix gently to combine.  This is where you use your judgment.  If you need a little more buttermilk, add it; however, you don't want it too wet or it will ruin your biscuit. You want it wet enough so that it will come together but not be overly sticky.
  • Turn the dough out onto a floured surface.
  • Squeeze and push the dough together to form a rough rectangle.  It will look wrong to you but go with it. The next step will bring it all together.
  • Roll the rectangle to about 1/2" thickness. Using a bench scraper, bring bottom third to the center and then bring the top over the bottom third (BOOKFOLD).
  • TURN the dough. Roll out again and repeat BOOKFOLD one more time.
  • Roll to 1.5" - 2" thickness and cut with a biscuit cutter. Nope, not giving a size because it depends on how large your medallions are. Use your judgment.
Place on a sheet tray lined with parchment and brush TOP with egg wash. Be careful not to drench the entire biscuit or you will seal the layers and it will not puff up properly.
  • Bake for approximately 12 - 15 minutes depending on how large the biscuit is. It is okay to have these at room temperature but they are best when warm but not I'm-going-to-burn-the-daylights-out-of-your-mouth hot.

Time to Cook the Medallions.....
When I'm not grilling (which is almost never), I use a cast iron skillet for a majority of my searing and meat cookery. I find it has more even cooking and can maintain heat for longer periods of time.
Over medium-high heat, dump all that reserved bacon fat in and allow to come to medium-high temperature, but not smoking. 

Place bacon wrapped pork medallions in pan and cook on ALL sides until it looks so yummy you just want to eat them NOW. Be careful and don't overcrowd the pan or you won't get that brown yummy NOM NOM.
This may take about 15 - 20 minutes depending on the source of heat and how large your medallions are. If they are larger, obviously it will take longer.  If you have a smaller pan, you will definitely need to split batches.

Time to Compose the YUM.....

This is the hardest part so pay attention....
  • Remove the butcher's twine from the medallion.
  • Cut biscuit in half.
  • Place medallion on biscuit.
Now, I added the crunch and tang of a kale meets rainbow slaw to cut the richness of the pork.  The slaw had a sour cream mango chipotle dressing but you can use whatever you want. Go Asian with a pickled cucumber, carrot sesame slaw; or German with a vinegar caraway red cabbage slaw. The possibilities are endless. This is optional but I highly recommend the crunch of a slaw on a slider. 

I hope you enjoyed this journey of bacon trifecta.  It is the hat trick to YUM.  Just remember, recipes are guidelines and in most cases, you can change it up. Let me know how you adapt my recipe to suit your culinary tastes.  Like Frolicking Foodista on Facebook and follow me on twitter @FrolickFoodista and @CandisStiebel. Until next time, HAPPY BACON TRAILS!


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